DC/OS 安裝在飛行前的 50% 處掛起
我想測試 DC/OS 的社區版,但我無法讓它超過飛行前的 50%:
我按照此處概述的 gui 說明並以詳細模式開始安裝。這是最後一個非“GET preflight”輸出:
Using async_delegate with callback executing command ['/usr/bin/ssh', '-oConnectTimeout=10', '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-oBatchMode=yes', '-oPasswordAuthentication=no', '-p22', '-i', '/genconf/ssh_key', '-tt', 'core@', '\n#/bin/sh\n# setenforce is in this path\nPATH=$PATH:/sbin\n\ndist=$(cat /etc/*-release | sed -n \'s@^ID="\\(.*\\)"$@\\1@p\')\n\nif ([ x$dist != \'xrhel\' ] && [ x$dist != \'xcentos\' ]); then\n echo "$dist is not supported. Only RHEL and CentOS are supported" >&2\n exit 0\nfi\n\nversion=$(cat /etc/*-release | sed -n \'s@^VERSION_ID="\\(.*\\)"$@\\1@p\')\nif [ $version -lt 7 ]; then\n echo "$version is not supported. Only >= 7 version is supported" >&2\n exit 0\nfi\n\nsudo setenforce 0 && sudo sed -i \'s/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g\' /etc/sysconfig/selinux\n\nsudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/docker.repo <<-\'EOF\'\n[dockerrepo]\nname=Docker Repository\nbaseurl=https://yum.dockerproject.org/repo/main/centos/$releasever/\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=https://yum.dockerproject.org/gpg\nEOF\n\nsudo yum -y update\n\nsudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d\nsudo tee /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf <<- EOF\n[Service]\nExecStart=\nExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon --storage-driver=overlay -H fd://\nEOF\n\nsudo yum install -y docker-engine\nsudo systemctl start docker\nsudo systemctl enable docker\n\nsudo yum install -y wget\nsudo yum install -y git\nsudo yum install -y unzip\nsudo yum install -y curl\nsudo yum install -y xz\nsudo yum install -y ipset\n\nsudo getent group nogroup || sudo groupadd nogroup\n'] GET preflight GET preflight GET preflight GET preflight GET preflight GET preflight
我還從 gui 下載了日誌,其中包含:
[ { "chain_name": "preflight", "hosts": { "": { "commands": [ { "cmd": [ "/usr/bin/ssh", "-oConnectTimeout=10", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", "-oBatchMode=yes", "-oPasswordAuthentication=no", "-p22", "-i", "/genconf/ssh_key", "-tt", "core@", "echo", "INSTALL", "PREREQUISITES" ], "date": "2016-09-06 13:27:40.570649", "pid": 20, "returncode": 0, "stderr": [ "", "Connection to closed.", "", "" ], "stdout": [ "INSTALL PREREQUISITES\r", "" ] } ], "host_status": "running", "tags": { "role": "master" } }, "": { "commands": [ { "cmd": [ "/usr/bin/ssh", "-oConnectTimeout=10", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", "-oBatchMode=yes", "-oPasswordAuthentication=no", "-p22", "-i", "/genconf/ssh_key", "-tt", "core@", "echo", "INSTALL", "PREREQUISITES" ], "date": "2016-09-06 13:27:40.553732", "pid": 21, "returncode": 0, "stderr": [ "", "Connection to closed.", "", "" ], "stdout": [ "INSTALL PREREQUISITES\r", "" ] } ], "host_status": "running", "tags": { "role": "agent" } }, "": { "commands": [ { "cmd": [ "/usr/bin/ssh", "-oConnectTimeout=10", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", "-oBatchMode=yes", "-oPasswordAuthentication=no", "-p22", "-i", "/genconf/ssh_key", "-tt", "core@", "echo", "INSTALL", "PREREQUISITES" ], "date": "2016-09-06 13:27:40.521035", "pid": 22, "returncode": 0, "stderr": [ "", "Connection to closed.", "", "" ], "stdout": [ "INSTALL PREREQUISITES\r", "" ] } ], "host_status": "running", "tags": { "role": "agent" } } }, "total_agents": 2, "total_hosts": 3, "total_masters": 1 } ]
引導機器是我的電腦,主/代理是在我的電腦上執行的 CentOS 7 KVM 機器。我還確保 SSH 密鑰可以在沒有密碼片語的情況下使用。我需要做什麼才能進行設置?
最好使用高級安裝程序,它不依賴於引導節點上的 SSH 密鑰,否則會導致此類問題。
install prereqs
舞台上。此階段可能需要很長時間,具體取決於您從執行它的機器到更大 Internet 的網路連接以及主機性能。此階段安裝必備軟體包(在 CentOS 上使用 yum),安裝和配置 Docker,並確保主機處於 DC/OS 的最低可安裝狀態。
順便說一句,當安裝階段開始時,進度條計為該主機的 50%,當主機完成安裝時達到 100%。由於安裝程序執行並行 SSH 會話(預設值為 30,但可以在配置 yaml 中使用
參數設置),它同時執行兩個主機,並且都不完整,因此顯示 50% 完成。