Ansible 將文件從 S3 下載到 ec2 實例錯誤
我正在嘗試學習 Ansible。我正在創建一個實例並將文件上傳到其中,我想放入 ec2 實例的文件儲存在 S3 中,但它一直說 c2 內的目標不存在,但它確實存在.
- name: Deploy war file aws_s3: bucket: "{{ war_bucket }}" object: "{{ war_file }}" dest: "{{ war_deploy_path }}/{{ war_file }}" mode: get overwrite: no register: war_downloaded
war_file: file.war war_bucket: ansible-bucket war_deploy_path: /opt/folder/file.war
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/folder/file.war.1f1ccA91'
更新:我嘗試將目標從“{{ war_deploy_path }}/{{ war_file }}”更改為“{{ war_deploy_path }}”,但同樣的問題仍然存在,現在只有錯誤
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/folder.Ac2926c3'
。***重要更新 2:***好的,所以為了測試,我決定在我的本地機器上創建相同的路徑,令我驚訝的是,這個腳本實際上是在我的本地機器上執行它而不是 ec2 實例大聲笑,所以現在,我如何讓它在 ec2 實例 xD 上執行。
在 ansible 中創建一個主機,然後在同一個 playbook 中處理它是可能的,但需要對清單文件進行一些動態更改並重新讀取 playbook 中的清單。
[local] localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=python [new_ones]
其次,在您的劇本中,您將需要兩個部分,一個用於執行本地作業,第二個用於針對您從第一部分創建的主機執行。在第一部分中,您將創建主機,然後將主機 IP 添加到您在上面創建的清單中。然後你會告訴 ansible 用命令重新讀取清單,
命令。這是一個例子:--- - name: Testing Part One hosts: local become: yes tasks: - name: create an ec2 instance local_action: module: ec2 aws_secret_key: <redacted> aws_access_key: <redacted> group_id: sg-1234567 key_name: my_key instance_type: t2.micro image: ami-0123456789abcde wait: yes count: 1 vpc_subnet_id: subnet-987654321 assign_public_ip: no region: us-east-1 register: ec2 # This part adds the IP address of the host that was created above to the # inventory file - name: Add instance to inventory local_action: module: lineinfile path: inv/hosts_default regexp: "{{ item.private_ip }}" insertafter: "new_ones" line: "{{ item.private_ip }}" with_items: '{{ ec2.instances }}' # Have the playbook reread the inventory file - meta: refresh_inventory # Wait for a bit to ensure SSH is enabled - pause: minutes: 5
然後你在同一個劇本中創建另一個條目來複製你的文件。預設情況下,我沒有在我的主機上安裝 pip,所以補充說以防萬一你在同一條船上:
- name: Testing Part Two hosts: new_ones become: yes tasks: # Install pip, boto, boto3, and botocore. You may not need this - name: install pip easy_install: name: pip state: latest - name: install boto, boto3 and botocore pip: name: "{{ item }}" loop: - boto - boto3 - botocore # Finally we get to what you were trying to do to begin with... - name: Deploy war file aws_s3: aws_secret_key: <redacted> aws_access_key: <redacted> bucket: "mybucketname" object: "blah.txt" dest: "/tmp/blah.txt" mode: get overwrite: no register: war_downloaded
--- - name: Testing Part 1 hosts: local become: yes tasks: - name: create an ec2 instance local_action: module: ec2 aws_secret_key: <redacted> aws_access_key: <redacted> group_id: sg-1234567 key_name: my_key instance_type: t2.micro image: ami-0123456789abcde wait: yes count: 1 vpc_subnet_id: subnet-987654321 assign_public_ip: no region: us-east-1 register: ec2 - name: Add instance to inventory local_action: module: lineinfile path: inv/hosts_default regexp: "{{ item.private_ip }}" insertafter: "new_ones" line: "{{ item.private_ip }}" with_items: '{{ ec2.instances }}' - meta: refresh_inventory - pause: minutes: 5 - name: Testing Part Two hosts: new_ones become: yes tasks: - name: install pip easy_install: name: pip state: latest - name: install boto, boto3 and botocore pip: name: "{{ item }}" loop: - boto - boto3 - botocore - name: Deploy war file aws_s3: aws_secret_key: <redacted> aws_access_key: <redacted> bucket: "mybucketname" object: "blah.txt" dest: "/tmp/blah.txt" mode: get overwrite: no register: war_downloaded