
amgtar 和 GNUTAR 之間的區別

  • October 31, 2019

我們有數百個系統使用 AMANDA 備份到磁帶庫。每天我們都會收到一封電子郵件,其中包含一長串奇怪的備份結果。幾乎所有這些都是因為正在寫入日誌文件或正在 Web 伺服器上更新基於文件的記憶體。例如(5 台機器顯示各種 STRANGE 消息):

 /-- av1 / lev 2 STRANGE
 sendbackup: start [avion:/ level 2]
 sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
 sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/tar -xpGf - ...
 sendbackup: info end
 ? /bin/tar: ./boot: directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped
 ? /bin/tar: ./dev: directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped
 ? /bin/tar: ./fs: directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped
 ? /bin/tar: ./proc: directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped
 ? /bin/tar: ./run: directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped
 ? /bin/tar: ./sys: directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped
 ? /bin/tar: ./wwwusers: directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped
 | /bin/tar: ./tmp/.X11-unix/X0: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./tmp/gpg-v9zbWU/S.gpg-agent: socket ignored
 | Total bytes written: 795084800 (759MiB, 740KiB/s)
 sendbackup: size 776450
 sendbackup: end
 /-- gitlab / lev 3 STRANGE
 sendbackup: start [gitlab:/ level 3]
 sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
 sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/tar -xpGf - ...
 sendbackup: info end
 | /bin/tar: ./tmp/gitaly-ruby215330643/socket.0: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./tmp/gitaly-ruby215330643/socket.1: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./var/lib/gssproxy/default.sock: socket ignored
 ? /bin/tar: ./var/log/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse/current: file changed as we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./var/log/gitlab/nginx/gitlab_access.log: file changed as we read it
 | /bin/tar: ./var/opt/gitlab/gitaly/gitaly.socket: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/sockets/gitlab.socket: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse/socket: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.socket: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./var/spool/postfix/private/anvil: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./var/spool/postfix/private/bounce: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./var/spool/postfix/private/defer: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./var/spool/postfix/private/discard: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./var/spool/postfix/private/error: socket ignored
 | /bin/tar: ./var/spool/postfix/private/lmtp: socket ignored
 Look in the '/var/log/amanda/log.error/gitlab._.3.20180606231049.errout' file for full error messages
 /-- haproxy00-127 / lev 3 STRANGE
 sendbackup: start [haproxy00-127:/ level 3]
 sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
 sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/tar -xpGf - ...
 sendbackup: info end
 ? /bin/tar: ./var/log/messages: file changed as we read it
 Look in the '/var/log/amanda/log.error/haproxy00-127._.3.20180607003248.errout' file for full error messages
 /-- imap00 /srv/dovecot lev 0 STRANGE
 sendbackup: start [imap00:/srv/dovecot level 0]
 sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
 sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/tar -xpGf - ...
 sendbackup: info end
 ? /bin/tar: ./a1/Maildir/new/,S=6309,W=6430: File removed before we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./a1/Maildir/new/,S=8299,W=8451: File removed before we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./a2/Maildir/cur/,S=13517,W=13770\:2,Scd: File removed before we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./a2/Maildir/cur/,S=22257,W=22562\:2,STcd: File removed before we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./a3/Maildir/cur/,S=10343,W=10558\:2,: File removed before we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./a3/Maildir/cur/,S=4179,W=4265\:2,: File removed before we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./a3/Maildir/cur/,S=29364,W=29796\:2,: File removed before we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./a3/Maildir/new/,S=52059,W=53029: File removed before we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./a4/Maildir/.folder/dovecot.index.log.2: File removed before we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./a4/Maildir/.Personal/dovecot.index.log.2: File removed before we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./a4/Maildir/.Trash/cur/,S=31976,W=32433\:2,Sab: File removed before we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./a4/Maildir/cur/,S=122100,W=124740\:2,ab: File removed before we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./a4/Maildir/cur/,S=28553,W=28964\:2,ab: File removed before we read it
 Look in the '/var/log/amanda/log.error/imap00._srv_dovecot.0.20180606220538.errout' file for full error messages
 /-- webserver1 / lev 2 STRANGE
 sendbackup: start [webserver1:/ level 2]
 sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
 sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/tar -xpGf - ...
 sendbackup: info end
 ? /bin/tar: ./var/log/httpd/kemp_access_log: file changed as we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./var/log/httpd/wiki.example.com_access_ssl.log: file changed as we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./var/log/httpd/www.example.com_access.log: file changed as we read it
 ? /bin/tar: ./var/log/httpd/www.example.com_ssl_access_ssl.log: file changed as we read it
 Look in the '/var/log/amanda/log.error/webserver1._.2.20180607004437.errout' file for full error messages

(brought to you by Amanda version 3.3.3)


define dumptype nocomp-root-tar {
   program "GNUTAR"
   comment "Root partitions with gtar"
   compress none
   estimate server
   priority low
   exclude list "/etc/amanda/amanda.exclude.list"
   auth "bsd"
define dumptype nocomp-user-tar {
   program "GNUTAR"
   comment "Non-root partitions with gtar"
   compress none
   estimate server
   priority medium
   exclude list "/etc/amanda/amanda.exclude.list"
   auth "bsd"

我們不想僅僅因為這些文件可能會更改或消失而從備份中排除這些文件。我們也不能在備份執行時禁用 IMAP 伺服器。看起來我可以更改我們的系統以amgtar用作他們的備份方法,這將使我們消除所有這些消息。

define application-tool app_amgtar {
   plugin "amgtar"

   property        "NORMAL" ": socket ignored$"
   property append "NORMAL" "file changed as we read it$"
   property append "NORMAL" ": directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped$"
   property append "NORMAL" ": File removed before we read it$"

define dumptype nocomp-root-amgtar {
   program "APPLICATION"
   application "app_amgtar"
   comment "Root partitions with amgtar"
   compress none
   estimate server
   priority low
   exclude list "/etc/amanda/amanda.exclude.list"
   auth "bsd"



文件似乎說只GNUTAR支持exclude list. 是否amgtar也支持它,因為它GNUTAR在下面使用?

