
設置 /p 後如何更改組織名稱

  • May 10, 2011

我正在複製我們的主要 AD DC 以創建開發環境。我已經使用 AD 從 AD 導出了相關數據,ldifde但為了在新伺服器上導入它,我需要安裝 Exchange Schema。

我獲得了 Exchange 安裝媒體並執行了以下操作:

Y:\Applications\Current Windows\Exchange 2010>Setup /ps

[blah, blah, blah... success]

Y:\Applications\Current Windows\Exchange 2010>Setup /p /OrganizationName:"Computer Science"

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

By continuing the installation process, you agree to the license terms of
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. If you don't accept these license terms,
please cancel the installation. To review these license terms, please go to

Press any key to cancel setup................
No key presses were detected.  Setup will continue.
Preparing Exchange Setup

   Copying Setup Files              ......................... COMPLETED

No server roles will be installed

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

   Organization Checks              ......................... COMPLETED
Setup is going to prepare the organization for Exchange 2010 by using 'Setup /P
repareAD'. No Exchange 2007 server roles have been detected in this topology. Af
ter this operation, you will not be able to install any Exchange 2007 server rol

Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server

   Organization Preparation         ......................... COMPLETED

The Microsoft Exchange Server setup operation completed successfully.

但是,我弄錯了 OrganizationName,我想將其更改為正確的名稱以匹配導出的 AD 數據:

Y:\Applications\Current Windows\Exchange 2010>Setup /p /OrganizationName:"Computer Science Department"

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

By continuing the installation process, you agree to the license terms of
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. If you don't accept these license terms,
please cancel the installation. To review these license terms, please go to

Press any key to cancel setup................
No key presses were detected.  Setup will continue.
Preparing Exchange Setup

   Copying Setup Files              ......................... COMPLETED

No server roles will be installed

Exchange organization name cannot be specified. There already exists an Exchang
e organization with name 'Computer Science'.

Exchange Server setup encountered an error.

Y:\Applications\Current Windows\Exchange 2010>

顯然,它失敗了。如何更改 Exchange 架構組織名稱?

如果 Exchange 尚未實際安裝在任何地方(或者如果它在那裡,但您可以承受完全失去它),您可以從 Active Directory 中刪除所有與 Exchange 相關的資訊,然後再次執行準備步驟。

您需要刪除 Active Directory 林的配置分區中的 Exchange 組織對象;完成此操作的最簡單方法是啟動 Active Directory 站點和服務控制台,啟用“服務”節點的查看(預設禁用),然後刪除名為“Microsoft Exchange”的節點(在該節點下您將有另一個節點代表您的組織)。您也可以使用 ADSIEdit 並連接到配置目錄分區來執行相同的操作。

您還應該從 Active Directory 中刪除 OU“Microsoft Exchange 安全組”和“Microsoft Exchange 系統對象”。
