
Exchange 2010 sp 3 安裝 - 組織檢查失敗

  • July 13, 2017

命令後 /M:Upgrade /InstallWindowsComponents


Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup
Preparing Exchange Setup
Copying Setup Files                           COMPLETED
The following server roles will be upgraded
Hub Transport Role
Client Access Role
Mailbox Role
Management Tools
Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check
   Configuring Prerequisites                                 COMPLETED
   Organization Checks                                       FAILED
Cannot find at least one domain controller running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later in domain 'DC=xxx,DC=local'. 

這可能是在 Active Directory 中移動域控制器對象的結果。檢查至少一個執行 Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 或更高版本的域控制器位於“域控制器”組織單元 (OU) 中,然後重新執行安裝程序。

2 域控制器 i OU“域控制器”(在 MS 伺服器 2016 上)

Exchange 2010 不支持 Windows Server 2016 Active Directory 伺服器。重新設置 Windows server 2012 R2 或以前的 Windows 伺服器,然後檢查結果。

此外,如果是新組織,最好重新設置域環境,然後安裝 Exchange 2010 伺服器。

請參閱:Exchange Server 可支持性矩陣

我在 2k12r2 上添加了一個額外的(第三個)DC 並且……成功了!非常感謝您的回答!

G:\temp_exchange_sp3>setup /prepareAD

Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unattended Setup

Setup will continue momentarily, unless you press any key and cancel the installation. By continuing the installation
process, you agree to the license terms of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.
If you don't accept these license terms, please cancel the installation. To review the license terms, please go to

Press any key to cancel setup................
No key presses were detected.  Setup will continue.
Preparing Exchange Setup

   Copying Setup Files                           COMPLETED

No server roles will be installed

Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check

   Organization Checks                                                                               COMPLETED

Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server

   Organization Preparation                                                                          COMPLETED

The Microsoft Exchange Server setup operation completed successfully.
