
當組授予權限時,Exchange 2010 自動映射郵箱功能不起作用

  • May 18, 2015

我有一個共享郵箱,我需要將其部署到我們的一個部門,該郵箱位於帶有 Outlook 2010 客戶端的 Exchange 2010 SP2 環境中。由於顯而易見的原因,我試圖依賴Exchange 2010 SP1 引入的自動映射功能,但它不起作用。


上面的連結包含一個解決方法 PowerShell 腳本,用於讀取組的成員資格並直接添加這些成員以獲得完全訪問權限,但這不提供在人員加入或離開部門時更新自動映射的功能。

當使用組授予使用者對郵箱的完全訪問權限時,是否有人知道如何使此功能發揮作用?(或者對如何解決這個問題有任何想法,甚至?現在,我正在考慮一個定期更新相關 AD 屬性的 Powershell 腳本,但是……必須有更好的方法。)

當我們遇到同樣的問題時,我創建了這個腳本。也許這不是世界上最漂亮的東西,但它可以完成工作。我有一個單獨OU的訪問組,然後另一個用於資源郵箱。A-組和資源郵箱使用相同的名稱,組的前面 除外。

例如 A-RESMBX1組名和REXMBX1資源郵箱。


它還將從msExchDelegateListLink屬性中刪除不再是關聯訪問組成員的使用者。我在 DC 上的計劃任務中執行它。


您需要更新$Groups&的 OU 的 LDAP 路徑$ResMBXs以及您的 DC 名稱$DomainController

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$DomainController = "MYDOMAINCONTROLLER"
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=Groups,OU=Resource Mailboxes,DC=mydomain,DC=com' -Server $DomainController | Sort-Object Name
$ResMBXs = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=Resource Mailboxes,DC=mydomain,DC=com' -Server $DomainController -properties msExchDelegateListLink  | Sort-Object Name

Write-Host "Enumerating Groups and Resource Mailboxes..."
Write-Host ""

# IsMember function is borrowed from :
# Hash table of security principals and their security group memberships. 
$GroupList = @{}    

Function IsMember ($ADObject, $GroupName) 
   # Function to check if $ADObject is a member of security group $GroupName. 

   # Check if security group memberships for this principal have been determined. 
   If ($GroupList.ContainsKey($ADObject.sAMAccountName.ToString() + "\") -eq $False) 
       # Memberships need to be determined for this principal. Add "pre-Windows 2000" 
       # name to the hash table. 
       $GroupList.Add($ADObject.sAMAccountName.ToString() + "\", $True) 
       # Retrieve tokenGroups attribute of principal, which is operational. 
       $SIDs = $ADObject.psbase.Properties.Item("tokenGroups") 
       # Populate hash table with security group memberships. 
       ForEach ($Value In $SIDs) 
           $SID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $Value, 0 
           # Translate into "pre-Windows 2000" name. 
           $Group = $SID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]) 
           $GroupList.Add($ADObject.sAMAccountName.ToString() + "\" + $Group.Value.Split("\")[1], $True) 
   # Check if $ADObject is a member of $GroupName. 
   If ($GroupList.ContainsKey($ADObject.sAMAccountName.ToString() + "\" + $GroupName)) 
       Return $True 
       Return $False 

Foreach ($gr in $Groups) {

        Foreach ($mbx in $ResMBXs) {
            $MBXName = "A-" + $mbx.Name

            if ($gr.Name -eq $MBXName) 
             #Build an Array of DNs from each Group
             $Members = Get-ADGroupMember $gr -Server $DomainController
             if ($Members -ne $Null)
                 Foreach ($mbr in $Members){

                    if($mbr.distinguishedName -ne $Null)
                   $AddedUsers += $mbr.Name
             Else {Write-Host -foregroundcolor darkyellow "Group contains no members..."; Write-Host ""}

             if($mbx.msExchDelegateListLink -ne $Null) {
                 $ACLUsers = $mbx.msExchDelegateListLink
                 Foreach ($ACLUser in $ACLUsers)
                   #Check if user is a member of the current group
                   #If not, remove from attribute
                   $user = [ADSI]"LDAP://$($DomainController)/$($ACLUser)"
                   $userDN = Get-ADUser $ACLUser -Server $DomainController
                   $mem = IsMember $user $gr.Name
                   If ($mem -eq $False)
                           Write-Host "The Following User was removed from: " -nonewline; Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow $mbx.Name
                           Write-Host -nonewline -foregroundcolor darkyellow " " $UserDN.Name
                           Write-Host ""
             $Members = ""
             Write-Host "The Following Users were added to: " -nonewline; Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow $mbx.Name
             Write-Host ""
             Write-Host -foregroundcolor darkyellow $AddedUsers
             Write-Host ""
             $AddedUsers = ""

